Just Say Yes

I feel like it is finally time for me to properly sit down and do some sort of reflection upon the last year and things to come. I never really take the time to pour out what I’m thinking and January seems like the proper time to do just that. As the month quickly comes to an end, not only am I reminded of how fast the last year passed me by, but also how I wish I embraced the opportunities given to me just a little bit more. Alright, this may just be a sappy post for me to look back on one day, but why not share it with the world.

January, 2015- The start of the new year was one I will always remember. I was lucky enough to spend it with my family down in Florida spending a few days at Harry Potter World, or watching the fireworks display at Disney World. I knew the year ahead was going to be a great one because how could any year be bad when it starts of at the happiest place on Earth, right?!

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February and March, 2015- This was when I realized my happy little life was about to get a lot less happy. I’ll just come out and say it, I was dumped. I thought I would never get out of my bed, you know, all the stuff we do when this stuff happens. I didn’t eat, sleep, go to class, anything. I was a wreck but I had some wonderful people standing by me to help me make it through.


April and May, 2015- These months turned me around completely. I was focused on extracurriculars, threw myself into school and bettering other relationships. It was proof to me that things do get better, no matter how much you fight them. Although I was still fighting to keep my emotions inside of me, I know these months led me down a positive path.

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Summer, 2015- This was a crazy one. I got a job I loved, met another boy, got to spend the summer with my friends before I headed off to Europe, everything was great. For once I felt like I didn’t really have anything to complain about. Life was good.

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September, 2015- September changed me in more ways than one. Not to get all cheesy on you, but really, I think this would be the time where I’d say I’ve grown the most in my twenty-one years of life. I had my 21st birthday, met five of the most amazing people I have come across in my life, and found the city I hope to call home one day (To be honest I still refer to it as home sometimes, just feels right).

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October-December, 2015- Even writing these dates fills me with nostalgia. The places I saw, the people I decided were no longer going to be a part of my life, every single moment I experienced on my semester abroad has impacted me in some way. If the fact that I sit down daily to look through pictures and sob is not enough proof of that, I’m not sure how else to convey it. I seized opportunities as they came my way, I grew personally more than I ever have. I developed confidence, self-esteem, and best of all a happier outlook on life. I also got to ring in 2016 with a wonderful group of friends in NYC, couldn’t have asked for much more.

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This next year I have one simple goal for myself- say yes more. 2015 was such a good example to me on what life can bring you if you push yourself outside of your comfort zone a little more. I feel so blessed to have experienced everything I did, good and bad, last year. Cheers to 2016! xx

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  1. Crying crying crying

    Just read all your blog posts

    Love you


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